Cryptid Tidbits Wiki
Bigfoot, red-eyes, Bill Rebsamen
Description Hairy humanoid
First Sighting Legends
Last Sighting Modern day
Country Worldwide
Habitat Temperate forest

Bigfoot is, arguably, the world's most famous cryptid. Found all over the world, Bigfoot is known by many names, including Sasquatch, Yowie, Yeti, or Skunk Ape

Appearance & Description[]

Bigfoot is described as 6 to 9 feet tall. It has fur colored brown, red, or black. It looks like a hairy human, with a major difference being the size of its feet: they are unnaturallly large, hence its name.

Other Names[]


The most popular explanation for Bigfoot is an unknown, North American ape. The only other plausible theories are intentional hoaxes, or misinterpretations of animals like bears.

