Cryptid Tidbits Wiki
Description Spined aquatic reptile
First Sighting Native legends
Last Sighting 20th century
Country Democratic Republic of the Congo
Habitat Swamps

The Nguma-monene is found in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. A semi-aquatic creature, it has been seen both swimming and walking on land.


The Nguma-monene has four legs, a mouth full of sharp teeth, a long tail, and a large ridge or spine running down its back. The body is low-slung, like a lizard. The Nguma-monene is described as greyish-brown, and over 30 feet long. It is vicious towards hippos. Its neck is reportedly "as thick as a man's thigh".


One popular theory is that Nguma-monene is a surviving Dimetrodon or Spinosaurus. Both prehistoric creatures have spines running down their back, and some Spinosaurs were 4-legged. However, Dimetrodon species weren't aquatic, and Spinosaurus and its relatives weren't low-slung. Other theories say that the Nguma-monene is a species of mosasaur, crocodile, or lizard. Because legs are rarely seen, some experts suggest a species of large snake.
